Have fun for a purpose and join us for a day of golf! A group dinner closes out the day where golfers can relish in their exploits of the day. This is a golden opportunity to build connections with the business community that comes together to support research!
Our partnership plan will be available shortly
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Watch out for our interactive auction
Vice president - AURAY Leadership, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
President du comité des Ambassadeurs
Executive Director, Environnement routier NRJ
Vice-President of Sales, Lécuyer Innovation Béton
Vice president, DCR Group
Vice-Président, AURAY Leadership
Directeur Gestion de projets et Développement stratégique, G-TEK
Financial Planning, IG Wealth Management
Directeur national, NAPA/CMAX
Responsable Unité Civil Énergie, VINCI Energies
General Manager, Nedco Quebec & Rexel Atlantic
Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructel