Mathieu Joseph - A young scientist committed to his community

Mathieu Joseph - A young scientist committed to his community

Who at IRCM doesn't know the smiling and engaging face of Mathieu Joseph? For this talented young scientist has a way of talking to everyone, always with a good word, and a friendly smile that lightens up our days.

But Mathieu doesn't just communicate his good humour and enthusiasm. He also acts for the good of his community and the IRCM Foundation, and has been doing so for years.

“I've been helping the IRCM Foundation since I arrived at the Institute in 2019, first as a volunteer for various events, then, since 2022, as a representative of the student community and member of the internal campaign committee. This involvement allows me both to present my research directly to donors and thus contribute to raising the profile of IRCM, and also to discover the inner workings of the philanthropic world. This is a real asset for my personal development. Thanks to the Foundation, I've been able to obtain research grants that have helped enhance my academic career. I see the Foundation's initiatives as genuine opportunities for development, both professionally and in terms of relationships within the Institute and beyond.” 

This commitment is all the more remarkable as Mathieu is also very busy with his research project.

“I'm currently studying a protein that regulates the communication functions of tissue-forming cells, known as epithelial cells. To do this, I'm using the fruit fly D.melanogaster as a model. This project involves spending many hours at the fluorescence microscope to observe the cells, their shapes, their evolution and numbers, especially as I'm working with in vivo samples. So, it's important that I get organized.” 

Working in the laboratory of Dr. David Hipfner, Director of the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Unit at the IRCM, Mathieu is enthusiastic about the IRCM's mission.

I've met many incredible people since I arrived at the Institute: an excellent mentor whose teaching is not just about science, but also about professional relationships and commitment; colleagues and friends from many different backgrounds who have introduced me to new cultures, new culinary specialties and a new way of seeing the world.” 

As his time with the Institute draws to a close, Mathieu has no intention of letting up on his commitment to the Foundation, which he will continue to support through his practical involvement for as long as he remains with IRCM, and no doubt beyond.

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